Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Can I know I am saved ?

Can I know I am saved?

Yes, salvation is both a present reality and a future prospect.  Apostle John writes, “We KNOW that we have passed from death to life” and “We KNOW that we are of God” (1 Jn 3:14; 5:19).

When you receive Christ and believe on Him you are given the authority to become a child of God (Jn 1:12).  You are saved (Acts 16:31).  Your sins are forgiven and you are washed by the blood of Jesus (Rev 1:5).  This assurance is yours by the Holy Spirit.  He bears witness with your Spirit that you are a child of God (Rom 8:16).  For this purpose He primarily employs the written Word of God (Jn 20:31).

There will be certain positive indications when a person is saved. The guilt is gone and there is the joy of salvation.  A new love for God and His Word is born.  Prayer becomes a delight.  A desire to live holy is obvious.  The very outlook on life is changed.  Fellowship with the children of God is pleasant.  A burden for the salvation of others is usually felt.  These things may not manifest to the full measure but as a newborn child you will start growing in these things.

Salvation actually belongs to three tenses.  Salvation past is deliverance from the penalty of sin.  Salvation present is deliverance from the power of sin.  And salvation future is deliverance from the very presence of sin.  Salvation today is not absence of temptations.  Therefore don’t be alarmed at the increasing measure of temptations.  Temptation is not sin, only yielding to temptation is.

The devil is a liar.  Turn a deaf ear to him.  Suppose you fall in a temptation he will immediately whisper that you are no more a child of God.  But remember you don’t lose your son ship if you sin.  Only the fellowship with God is affected.  Confess and be cleansed at once (1 Jn 1:7-9).  You are safe and secure in the hands of God.  No one can snatch you away (Jn 10:28,29).  Rejoice!

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